In a blink of an eye September is almost upon us and as the evenings start to draw in, we turn our attentions to the new term or indeed a new school.
I'm sure for most parents the countdown started weeks ago, restocking pencil cases, reviewing lists of required school supplies and the dreaded school uniform. Shop too soon and take the risk that our precious darlings may have a summer growth spurt. Be daring and embark on late August shopping and run the risk of too many frantic parents and children all vying for the exact single pair of shoes in a child's medium fit size 9. There is indeed a fine line for finding the optimum balance!
For my family, the perfect fit school trousers were our nemesis. My snake hipped petite and hugely slim children were definitely not regulation size. I've lost count how many times my offspring were sent back into changing rooms clutching armfuls of grey trousers ranging from 6 years long to 13 years short, grimacing at the thought of potentially wearing trousers with an adjustable elastic waist "it's not going to happen Mum!"
A new school term is, for the most part exciting, firmly concluding summer and opening the door to Autumn, with Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas hot on it's heels. For some it's the dawn of options and the "need to knuckle down" in preparation for serious exams and the gateway to their future.
On the flipside sadly for others, it can be a period of increasing anxiety, worrying about friendship groups, accessing the curriculum or not being quite good enough at sports.
Each of us and our children are different, different strengths and weaknesses, hopes and fears. In the words of Morgan Freeman from the film Evan Almighty "One act of random kindness at a time" in my humble opinion is a pretty good mantra - let's strive to be better people, not only does it feels good but is definitely the right thing to do.
Juunipa Tutors provides hand-selected pupil matched tutors for all key stages and attainment levels across a diverse portfolio of subjects including unique and bespoke face to face children's touch typing tuition.
We may not be able to help with the right pair of school trousers but we can definitely help with passing exams, building up core foundational learning and teaching new skills.
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